SAFE is certified SA 8000

Since the beginning of 2021 SAFE SRL has become part of an elite of just over 4,600 companies in the world that I can boast of having acquired the SA 8000 Social Responsibility certification as specified.

The SA 8000 standard is an instrument based on the international labor standards contained in the conventions of the ILO (International Workers’ Organization), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN 1948) and the Convention for the Rights of the Child (UNICEF1989).

This certification emphasizes the respect by SAFE and all its stakeholders of labor and human rights standards.
With this standard SAFE SRL adopts the absolute prohibition of using child labor and forms of forced labor, compliance with the rules on health and safety in the workplace, the prohibition of discrimination of workers, the right to freedom of association, a ban on unjust sanctions, respect for working hours and pay.


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